This sweet little boy came in for cake smash for his first birthday 🙂 Seunggi was such a good boy during our session. It was a pleasure to meet his family and captured these special memories for them. Happy 1st Birthday Seunggi! Enjoy your little preview:)
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love you 😉
Seunggi!! Happy first b day!! 🙂
happy birthday Seunggi! Cute!!!
Happy BD jr Hong 🙂
Omg such a adorable baby~~
Enjoy your first birthday and love you so much 🙂
Happy 1st birthday seunggi!!
Happy birthday 🙂 all the best wishes Baby
Happy birthday Seunggi~??
Happy birthday!!! You are so special????
Happy Birthday Seunggi!!
Wow, he is really awesome!! I hope to see him soon. Happy birthday Seunggi.
He had lovely time ~ Thank you!!! Lovely pics!!!
So adorable !!!!!!!!! ? I love it!! ????????
Seungi looks so adorable. Fabulous photos indeed! Happy birthday and auntie loves you so much!!
So cute!! Happy birthday seunggi!!
Happy birthday 🙂 cutie little boy. Miss you so much <3
?? Seunggi????